NextFlex Competition 2023
This year the IB English Language B (Advanced ELD) class and the IB Career-related Programme, 11th grade classes participated in the NextFlex Competition. This is a semester long project in which students work in groups to develop a business model using a hypothetical electronic solution to a real world problem. Three groups from SJHS advanced to the District Competition where they competed with Pioneer and Leland High School students. All of the groups did SUCH an excellent job, and one of our groups won 2nd place and will be advancing to the Santa Clara County Competition next week!
Congratulations to “E-Fish-N-Chips” team Khris Torres, Ash Vo, Meyah Ambriz Wilkie, Logan Drummond, and Ian Parker.
Also to participants: “Aazeinmetic” team, Danna Ramirez, Miguel Alvarez, Nikol Valderrama, Krish Dilidili, Yury Valderrama, and Co Mai; and “Vital Grip Sock” team Angel Ramirez, Bryan Infante, Bryan Nuñoz, and Diego Diaz.