Parent Resources
San José High is an open-minded partner, committed to establishing a positive, collaborative relationship with every family. We’re proud to provide unique opportunities and resources for families to engage with and participate in elevating opportunities for your students.
Our Parent Portal is the best way to stay informed about all aspects of your child’s education. When you register with our district, you receive your Parent Portal activation email to access Infinite Campus it for the first time. If you don’t have an email on file, please contact us at for more information.
Parent and Student Handbook
The San José Unified Parent/Student Handbook is a guide to help students and families understand the policies, California laws, and school district procedures that ensure students have every opportunity to succeed in a safe learning environment. We encourage you to explore the resource information to get familiarized with some important procedures, expectations, and requirements. More information on student and parent rights is available in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Read Board Policy 6020 and Administrative Regulation 6020 for the parent involvement opportunities available to you to participate in your children's education.