San José High Attendance Line:
(408) 998-4950
California law requires that all children ages 6-18 be enrolled in full-time education. Attending school helps students learn, build relationships, and develop social-emotional well-being. We encourage families to schedule medical and dental appointments after school when possible. Absences must be verified within five school days, otherwise will be considered unexcused.
Regular and consistent attendance is an absolute necessity for academic success in school. Students need to attend each of their classes every day. A student who misses three or more days of school or is more than 30 minutes late to a class period without an approved excuse, will be subject to our truancy process.
Absence Verification Process
All absences can be excused through parent signed emails or at the Attendance Office window either before school, during break, during lunch, or after school. Absences will not be excused during class time.
Parents are encouraged to use the Parent Portal to access attendance daily.
Please provide a Parent/guardian note with a signature or doctor’s note and email all documentation and notes, within 5 school days after their return, to attendance. (Note: absences are marked unexcused the following day. Three unexcused absences will generate a truancy letter so check your students attendance every few days).