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Health & Wellness

San José Unified believes that health, safety, and wellness are important in developing and supporting our students’ capacity to learn and achieve academic success. Our Student Services Department and Family Engagement provides services, resources, and access to community programs to support the needs of our students and families. 

Counseling is available at all school sites. If you feel your child needs counseling, please contact your site administrator or teacher. 

Refer to Board Policy 5030 - Student Wellness to learn how our comprehensive school wellness system supports our students.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Program is designed to address the challenges that children and youth experiencing homelessness face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. If you’d like to learn more about San José Unified’s McKinney-Vento program and the services we provide for families and students, please contact or 408-535-6464.

For a list of McKinney Vento Liaisons visit

Students experiencing housing insecurity have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as provided to other children and youths. Explore additional resources below:

View the full text of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Read additional information and resources for homeless children and youth

Wellness Resources

San José Unified is committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment for every student. We recognize that students, especially adolescents, are going through significant development and transition that may impact their future well-being. The resources below are tools for students and families to help address a variety of wellness-related topics. Display of these resources does not imply endorsement by San José Unified. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, call 911.