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Welcome to the CWC!

The Counseling & Wellness Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM located in the Wellness Center in Room 11.

We are the place for essential resources to help you move through high school successfully. Whether you are looking for mental health support, want to discuss your readiness for graduation, a struggle you are experiencing inside or out of school, our counseling staff is here to support you.  Our goal is helping every Bulldog graduate from San José High at their fullest potential!

School Counselors

Counselor Name Support Assignments

Geetha Abhay

School Counselor
11th Grade & 9th Grade (A-F)
Karina Ballin School Counselor
12th Grade & 9th Grade (G-P)
Danielle Paige School Counselor
10th Grade & 9th Grade (Q-Z)

Our SJH school counselors provide every student academic, college and career, personal, and social development support and services. 

Please call 408-535-6320 or email your child’s counselor to make an appointment.

Wellness Support

Students can request a pass to visit the Wellness Center at any time.

SJH counseling services is intended to provide short-term counseling services to students in partnership with counseling providers from Gardner Counseling Services, Almaden Valley Counseling Services, Pacific Clinics and others to provide every student the mental health and wellness they need to develop skills for success. 

If you would like to speak to a counselor about concerns or request a referral for services, please reach out to your student's counselor above. 

Please visit our Wellness Resources page to learn more about wellness services in the community as well as resources for parents, friends, and family members of struggling students.